
  Domain Transfer Process and Requirements

Steps to Initiate Your Domain Transfer Update Contact Information: Ensure that the...

 Hosting and Domain Transfer Guide

1. Getting cPanel Access for Data Migration Obtain the cPanel login details from the current...

 How to Transfer a .COM / .NET Domain to iCoreHosting

Introduction: Transferring your .COM / .NET domain to iCoreHosting is simple. Follow these steps...

 Importance of Adding Google reCAPTCHA to Website Forms

Overview: To enhance the security of your website and prevent spam submissions, it is highly...

 MYNIC Domain Lifecycle and Redemption Fee

Introduction This article provides an overview of the lifecycle and redemption fees for various...

 Security Locks for .COM Domains

Knowledge Base: Security Locks for .COM Domains   To ensure the security and integrity of a...

 Supporting Documents for and .my Domain Registration

To register a or .my domain, specific supporting documents are required to verify the...

 Understanding the .com Domain Expiry Timeline and Renewal Process

As a domain owner, it is crucial to understand the expiration and renewal process of your .com...

 Why Does a Domain Require Renewal Within Its Valid Period?

Domains must be renewed within their validity period to ensure uninterrupted service and...

 Why Domain Transfers Must Be Initiated During the Domain’s Valid Period

When transferring a domain, the transfer must be initiated while the domain is still within its...